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Category Archives for "setting up the tech gold"

Tech basics of using FTP

Video 1 Filezilla FTP Installation Video 2 FileZilla FTP First Steps Video 3 FileZilla FTP Uploading First File Video 4 FileZilla FTP Creating File Names & Folders Video 5 FileZilla FTP Creating Download Links & More Video 6 FileZilla FTP Uploading Website & Work With File Names Video 7 FileZilla FTP Protecting Files With Snooper […]

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Basic editing of graphics and images

Video 1 Creating a zip file Please click here to watch the tutorial Extracting a Zip File Please click here to watch the tutorial Creating Exit Pop Please click here to watch the tutorial Jing Free Screen Captures Tutorial Please click here to watch the tutorial

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Creating & Editing sales and download pages

Editing & Rebranding PLR Sales Page Part 1 Please click here to watch the tutorial Editing & Rebranding PLR Sales Page Part 2 Please click here to watch the tutorial Adding Your Disclaimers and Privacy Policies Please click here to watch the tutorial Sales Page Final Editing Please click here to watch the tutorial Saving […]

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Setting up the Basics

To get started you will need to set up the following accounts, I personally use the following companies who all provide excellent service and value for money and come with my highest recommendation You do need to make a small monthly investment if you want to get the maximum benefits from using PLR. To register […]

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