Content Packages

Whilst we offer a range of individual content marketing products and services to help in your website promotion we have seen an increasing demand for a totally “done for you” tailor-made content marketing service that is hands free and guaranteed to get results.

We have put together a package of services we know provide the biggest bang for your buck and get the job done in the quickest possible timeframe.

SEO in 2013 is not dead, far from it in fact, its just different and unless you can adapt and change from the old outdated methods you will never see the gains and results your website is capable of.seo

Ranking websites now is all about the quality of the content and the websites you are linked to.  Makes sense really, if you have links to the major influencers in your niche and Google can see quite easily that your content is being liked and shared by these authority websites they will assume rightly so that you are providing content of the highest  quality that must be relevant to the niche because it is being freely syndicated by the main movers and shakers.

This is SEO in 2013 in a nutshell, doesnt have to be difficult or involve dubious tips_contenttactics and strategies that will work until the next Google update.

Go out and connect with as many of the main influencers as possible in your niche, produce high quality relevant content and get it syndicated and shared and you will see great returns.

You can do this yourself

Gone are the days when you had no real idea what SEO was all about, link packages, directory listings auto approve blog comments etc are all a thing of the past thank goodness, as long as you have the time and talent to write enough quality content and find and connect with the main players you can have success.

This is where our inclusive package comes in to play for the marketers that can see the need but either dont have the time or copywriting skills to get the desired results.

We have taken all of the trial and error out of the equation, we have put together a monthly service that is totally hands free and guranteed to get results, here is a breakdown of the individual elements.content marketing

Our fully inclusive package is available on limited basis.  We do not outsource any work so we can currently only handle a maximum of 8 key accounts.  If you see a Sorry Not Available page when you try to make a payment it means we are full but we do provide a form to register your details and we will contact you immediately a spot is available.

Exact time frames and results will vary from business to business depending on the product or service being sold and of course the age/authority of the existing website.

We will normally include up to 5 keywords to target as primary keywords but you will rank for lots of longer tail combinations

 We suggest looking at any campaign over a minimum of 3 months, content marketing is not a quick “one hit wonder method” to magically get results in a matter of days. After 3 months you will see tangible proof of the campaign producing results, for the best possible returns, a 6 month period is the ideal time frame.

We provide a Fully inclusive package that provides a significant saving if purchasing the products indidually and this package offers incredible value and quality.

This is ideally suited to companies with little or no social media exposure, limited or no existing accounts and few if any followers.join_conversation

If you have a sound social media base and therefore do not need any of the social promotion as detailled below we will be happy to offer a significant discount off the monthly fee quoted here.

Please contact us and confirm exactly what you require and we will happily provide you with a quotation


Package Cost £879 per month

(1 off set up cost including timeline images etc @ £127)


This is a 100% whitehat camapign set up manually in much the same way any individual would set up this promotion.  The set up will take a couple of days and then the campaign will typically involve 4-5 man hours per day.

We will set up accounts with the following Social media platforms.  We will produce professional timeline images based on your website brand

  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  •  Google+

 We will perform the following services on a monthly basis.

  •  Authority Blog Commenting

We will find authority blogs in a broad niche related to your product or service.  We will leave well researched blog comments that allow “do follow” back links on 20 high authority blogs with a minimum site PR2.

  •  Blog posting

We will prepare 8 x 1000 word SEO blog posts well researched and optimised for 1 primary keyword.

  • Guest Blog Posting

We will make 2 guest blog posts on relevant authority blogs (PR2+)  with a link back to your website

  •  Landing Pages

We will provide 2 landing pages per month based on the keywords targeted.  This will provide your visitors with great additional actionable content that will enable you to build a list of keen subscribers.

  • White Paper Reports

We will provide 1 white paper per month that is typically around 10 pages in length based on a key product or service provided by your website.

  • Whiteboard Animation videos

We will provide 2 x 2 minute whiteboard animation videos uploaded to your Youtube channel and optimised for 1 primary keyword.

This is a great way to over deliver on actionable content for your visitors and is a great pre sell converter from visitor to customer.

  •  Press Release Submissions

We will produce 2 press releases per month based on the overall theme of your promotions.  Our press release submissions can get hundreds of great high PR back links the search engines love and are a very much under used method to build your brand and improve rankings.

It is a misconception of many that you must have some newsworthy content to issue a press release, we are press release experts and have been providing high quality press releases over a number of years and will create 2 per month that will get great coverage and results.

  • Building Your Social Media Following

We will add the following real world followers to your social media accounts (This is done manually by sharing, liking adding to G+ circles etc, IT IS NOT ACHEIVED USING FAKE FOLLOWERS)

  • Google +

ADD  200 key influencers to your circle count

Share 100 G+ related posts to your Google + account

  •  Facebook

Like and share 100 high quality, niche related posts/articles

  • Twitter

Find and follow 1000 related key influencers in your niche

Send 100 Tweets

  • LinkedIn

Add 100 key influencers to your profile

Join up to 10 groups per month (based on niche, may extend to other topics if f niche specific groups not available)

Share 100 posts

 What you can expect

Over the course of the initial 3 month period you will have built up a totally natural footprint of high authority key influencers.  We work hard to engage and interact to ensure as much of your content as possible is syndicated, liked and shared across a wide range of platforms.

You will see an increased number of visitors week on week and you will have at least 3 key linkable assets to build your list and over deliver on valuable free content.

Sales conversions will increase and your brand will be noticeably stronger within your niche.

This 3 month package will provide a great foundation on which to build your brand and establish your authority and will work for any niche.

 Getting Started

If you wish to take advantage of this inclusive package please make your payment below.  Immediately after you have made your payment you will be asked to provide details of your website, products, keywords etc to enable us to provide a work schedule for your approval.

Once we have all of your details and instructions we can confirm a set up cost of the social media accounts etc if required.  It will depend on the amount of work required but it will not exceed a total of £127 which includes the timeline images etc and any graphics we need to design.

Fully Inclusive Monthly Management Just…



We hope you are excited about your new investment, we guarantee your website will improve its ranking in the search engines for the primary keywords and the visitor traffic will see a significant increase also after the first 12 weeks of the program.

The project is designed to be run over a minimum period of 12 weeks to see any tangible results but it can be cancelled after 1 month and is on a rolling month to month basis.

If you have any questions prior to confirming your order please use the support desk here