Membership Intro Pro

Hi Everyone,

We are all striving to become successful online but its not as easy as some would have you believe

Let me ask you a question,

What do you think really seperates a successful online business from the struggling business the majority of online marketers seem to have?online_business

We all know there is no magic bullet but there is one thing 99.9% of all successful online business create…

 Long Term Sustainable Income

It is a fact,

 You cannot make any real money online starting from scratch every month


  • Working 50 – 60 – 70 hours per week with no end game
  • Creating product after product with limited success
  • Chasing JV Partners
  • Promoting anything and everything as an affiliate
  • Burning through your list

Sound Familiar?

The problem most marketers face is not having any income continuity, a regular pay check month in month out and without it you are constantly under pressure to make ends meet.



Have a good day today, make no sales whatsover tomorrow, This constant stress and uncertainty is the biggest reason most fail and give up


So what is the solution


Creating a successful continuity program better know as a membership site that pays you over and over for doing the work just once in many instances


A successful continuity program provides your customers with exceptional value and they pay you for this, typically weekly monthly or annually.

Now Before I Go Any Further…membership_logo

I want to show you exactly what is on offer here to day, this is not another rehashed “How to make money from a membership site”  report.

This is without doubt, the most comprehensive blueprint to profit from setting up your very own members area on the market today at any price.

This is a complete business in a box that can have you up and running and making money with your very own membership site in 24 hours or less!

No experience required, no waiting for weeks to see some profits, no big investment required to make it work (You are good to go for less than $20 today)

Here’s the brief details of this massive blueprint bundle

  • Professional WordPress Membership Plug-inwordpress_membership

Works with any Word Press Theme, automatically creates all the membership admin pages in 1 click, sets up multiple levels, paid and free,  adds a choice of payment gateways, auto-responders and much more  that will blow you away and it is point and click simple

  • Full Re-seller Product Portfolio

20 High quality re-seller products including sales pages, graphics, e-covers etc ready to upload directly to your members area


  • Comprehensive Library of Essential Training Materials

Provide your members and customers with a comprehensive range of professional training guides and  “how to” video tutorials they will love you for


  • Professional 9 part video training coursewp_membership_image

How to build and run a very successful membership site is the key to making your business in to a full time income and this excellent training course takes you by the hand and shows you step by step how to make it all work, is painting by numbers easy and guarantees results if you simply follow along and apply the methods discussed.


 I mean…


  • Who doesn’t want to earn a regular monthly income that grows month on month from a group of loyal customers
  • Get paid over and over to provide high quality in-depth content
  • Build a strong community to use as a testing ground for new products and services  to ensure success
  • Increase conversions and build your brand and authority by professionally delivering products and services

It Provides a Sustainable Income Month on Month


Rather than selling 1 off products day in day out constantly worrying about marketing costs and conversions, marketing a membership site provides enormous potential and residual monthly income



Let’s assume you are starting out and don’t have an abundance of content so you are pitching the monthly fee at just $10.


If you only add only 2 new members per day you have 60 new members per month, now allowing for fall outs and cancellations from a new site which in the worst case scenario will be no more than 20 per month you are still left with 40 paying members per month


Even a very modest $10 per month fee still earns you a significant additional income…

  • Month 1 $400
  • Month 2 $800
  • Month 3 $ 1200
  • Month 4 $1600

 Not too shabby for an additional  part time income stream!

This is not pie in the sky hype, this is fact.  Can you see the massive potential once you have a site full of quality content, the average cost of a membership site is around $30 so I will let you do the math?


It’s a Google Proof Solid Business Asset


Building a professional membership site is creating an asset that will increase in value over time.google_proof


Because it is made up of lots of small monthly payments your income is never going to suddenly fall and you are fully protected against anything Google wants to throw at you because you are not relying on them for traffic and therefore your income.


There is no better feeling than waking up in the morning knowing your next month’s bills and expenses are  already in the bag and making even more profit is the name of the game not fire fighting to pay the bills this week.


But it is not quite as easy as some would have you believe


The main issues with creating a successful membership site are broken down in to 3 main areas


  • Cost of setting up your site Structure

wishlistSoftware and scripts can cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars in some cases and may be providing far more features than you actually need, Wishlist for example is fantastic but costs almost $300!



  • What content to add and Where to find it

No matter what niche you decide to enter you will need to provide some high quality web based content to help your members with day to day issues.content-is-king1


“How to” tutorials, marketing tips, SEO and traffic generation are all things every online business owner needs help with along with the core content of your site.


  • How to build a solid community

communityProbably the most important aspect is finding and keeping new members.  Not a lot of use creating a new site and adding content if you can’t recruit new members.


These are the 3 key issues I consider everyone has to master to make a success of a membership site but if you get it right you have direct access to unlimited earnings


Sell Once Get Paid Over and Over


Its a tried and tested business model, the key to getting continuity (getting paid every month without fail) is to always ensure you provide your members with massive value each and every month and make it easy to use the content.residual


Now you can create successful membership sites in a wide range of niches and in various forms,  hobbies, “how to” sites,  service industries, discount clubs,  restaurants,  sports etc are all great platforms to use and you can offer weekly, monthly annually or fixed term fees depending on the model you choose.


The only downside to this type of site is the time and effort it takes to produce lots of fresh quality content week in week out to ensure you qualityretain your members.


This is where the vast majority of membership sites seem to fall down.  You see a new site set up and the owner adds some great content and keeps things fresh for a couple of months but then standards slip and the quality might not be what it was when it initially launched which results in lost members.


The key to making a boat load of cash is…


Make sure you sell your memberships to sellers!



This is the single most important factor to consider when launching a membership site.


A foolproof way to get people to join your membership site in big numbers and more importantly to stick around is to provide products or services your members can resell to make a profit


After all isn’t making money online what we are all trying to achieve?

Its not rocket science


If you could find a membership site right now that costs $30 per month but you can easily make $300 or $400 per month simply reselling the products you can download for free why would you not want to join?

You simply have to ensure the market or product you decide to launch your membership site in has a big enough membership potential and the biggest online marketing potential is without doubt


PLR/MRR Resale Products


Now the good news is I have  a solution and the great news is you are not going to believe the cost.


So who am I and why should you listen to me?

My name is David Henry, I am a full time marketer specialising in SEO, social media and software development.

I launched my own membership site, IM Tool Kit back in June.  I had several issues and problems to overcome when putting everything together but I now have a very successful and  profitable site.



I made the mistakes and found the answers to creating a very profitable membership site so I am perfectly placed to provide a solution everyone can use to build a long term business


I firmly believe every marketer should have their own members area at the very least but a full blown paid membership site as soon as possible and it is now within the grasp of everyone.


It is a fact,  marketers that deliver their content or services using a private members area…


  • Build their brand and gain the trust and respect of their customers far quicker.
  • Increase conversions by up to 60% on future product sales
  • Sell more products using log in offers and OTOs etc
  • Retain more subscribers by providing great bonus material

Here is an example of a welcome page from my demo site 


Simply upload your content and direct your new customers to create a new account to download the product they have purchased and have a good look around at all of the great FREE content they also get as an unannounced bonus or…


Carry on with your thank you page and good luck with that!


The deciding factor should simply be the cost of setting up.  Is there anyone reading this sales page that would choose NOT to have their own private members area to provide products and services to their own members if the cost wasn’t an issue?


I hope not or you are in the wrong business!

But I Found a Problem


Having looked around initially when starting out with my own site I found a tremendous gap in the market to provide a basic cost effective total solution.


I could find lots of options for each individual component I needed but no one was providing the whole solution.


  • You can find dozens of plug ins and software to build a membership site structure but most require a degree in programming to make it all work and a bank loan to buy it in the first place!
  • Training reports and guides were all based on having a site already set up and typically prices were around $30 -£40
  • Content was either available based on coaching/mentoring which was far too expensive to consider when first starting out or PLR/MRR type sites that were typically starting around $30 per month just for the products.


What I couldn’t find was a total solution that provided even an entry level introduction to setting up your first membership site without the typical cost of hundreds of dollars and a couple of weeks of setting up.dont_waste_time


membership_logoThe vast majority of marketers that don’t have a members area set up want a no nonsense cost effective blueprint they can apply to get everything up and running in the shortest time with the least amount of effort.


Membership sites are something we all need to make more money online and more importantly something we will all have at some point so it makes sense to act now and take maximum advantage


I have  put together what I firmly believe to be the most comprehensive membership blueprint for anyone to follow along regardless of your experience, a total newbie or seasoned pro will find tremendous value in this package.


In less than 24 hours from now you can have your very own members area ready to process payments and with enough quality content to sell your first membership if you wish.



Membership Intro Pro is a professional introduction to establishing your very own membership site with nothing left out.


It is a comprehensive blueprint that provides…


  • High quality FREE word press plug in to set the site up
  • Professional 9 Part video training to build your membership and retain your members
  • High quality Essential training starter edition and  PLR/MRR Reseller product pack


This is a complete business in a box, you don’t need to pay for anything else to get started, you can set up in less than a day and be ready to welcome your first paying member.


Here is what’s included

Module 1

High quality Word press membership plug-inwordpress_membership


Check out the extensive features you will be providing to your members using this free plugin,


  • Easily add multiple membership levels, both paid and free



  • Create all the standard pages with 1 click


  •  Set up trial memberships 


  •  Protects pages from digital thieves


  •  Integrates with leading email clients including AWeber, Mail chimp, Infusionsoft



  • Automatically notifies you by email of new members, cancellations, updates, admin changes


  •  Ability to add a discount code to sales page offers


  • Intergrates with a choice of 10 Payment Gateways including Paypal, and Two Check Out.

 As you can see, this plugin provides far more features than many premium membership plugins costing hundreds of dollars


What better way to deliver your products and keep your customers engaged than by providing FREE access to your very own private members area.


Module 2

Adding Quality Content


Generally other than the cost of setting up your membership script or software, the biggest reason not to start a membership site is the lack of quality content to offer.

 Not any more…


I have included a massive pack of quality content that you can simply upload and be ready to welcome your first member.


I have broken the content down into 2 main modules,


Module 1

Essential Training and Help Guides

  • Understanding WordPress with 60 professional videos
  • Understanding basics of SEO
  • Introduction to FREE Traffic
  • Introduction to PAID Traffic
  • Social Media Plan of Attack


Module 2


PLR/MRR Re-seller Package


3 HOT SELLING PLR Products PLUS a further 20 High Quality PLR/MRR Products you can sell directly for easy 100% commissions or upload to your new membership site to provide value straight out of the gate.

They all have resale rights and all include re-seller websites, e-covers and graphics.


Here is a couple of screen shot from my members area featuring the 3 HOT SELLING Products and a further 20 high quality PLR/MRR Products.



20 PLR/MRR Product Pack


The products featured above are ideally suited to the Internet Marketing niche but are equally useful to a wide range of niche specific sites and are essential content to add massive value to any members area.

The cost of this package alone is worth well in excess of $200 buying them at cost price but all included today with instant access.

Module 3

Building a Community8_ecovers


The key to making money with a membership site is building a solid community


Now while there are several different types of membership programs, we’re going to focus on the “must-haves” of a basic community to help you increase your conversions.

So we have our site structure set up and we have loaded up some quality content, so now what?


What about…


  •   Ease of Product Content Access?

  •   Effective Communication?success

  •   Community?

  •   Branding?

  •   Support or Training?

How do you setup your member’s area in such a way to help your members?


You see, that’s where many people get stuck – they don’t know how to set up a Word Press membership site that creates a user friendly community which increases your backend sales for years to come.

The keyword is ‘Community’community1


Without a strong community, you can say goodbye to your future sales.


So Module 3 provides an in-depth 9 part video tutorial covering the following key modules


  • Introduction to Building a community

  • Mind Mapping Your Layout for best conversions

  •  Must have pages

  •  Getting your community to interact

  •  Effective communication

  • Increase cohesiveness through training

  • Increase interaction further

  • Brand Building

  • Action paths

So there you have the most comprehensive introduction to setting up your very own membership site available anywhere at any price.  This is a complete business in a box and nothing has been left out.



In 24 hours or less you can have your very own private members area loaded up with lots of help guides, video tutorials and 20 hot PLR/MRR products most of which include a full re-seller website and graphics.


Dont Fancy a PLR Membership Site ?


No problem!


  • Simply apply the basics of the blueprint and upload the essential training guides, tutorials and PLR/MRR Product pack to use as membership bonuses to your customers
  • Sell for 100% COMMISSIONS 
  • Use to provide high value Giveaway products to build your list
  • Have you honestly ever seen as much value for less than $20?


 It is fact


Delivering your own products using a membership platform increases conversions of your other products and services by over 100%


Makes sense though…


There is no better way to build trust and authority with your own subscribers than by providing a great FREE members area where you provide help and support with lots of online marketing tasks and provide bonuses of genuine value.authoritytrust


You are providing a great content library for your subscribers to learn the basics, watch the “how to” videos, read the PDFs and put the PLR bonuses to good use by helping to build your subscribers lists and improve conversions


  • This is providing genuine value and putting you way ahead of your competition
  • It is providing a great base for future membership paid membership plans
  • It is building your brand and gaining trust which in turn will help skyrocket future conversions of both your own sales and your affiliate promotions


If you are serious about your business and you do not have a members area you are leaving so much money on the table.  




Forgetting about making any profits from selling memberships for a minute, you can almost double your present income just from the increased sales your site and personal credibility will generate.


So what is this sort of package worth today…


  • The real world value just to buy the 20 PLR/MRR products individually would easily cost in excess of $200
  • The 3 Hot Sellers are currently selling for $17 each
  • The 9 part video training course sells for $17 ( Includes a reseller package )
  • The essential training and how to video tutorials would cost a minimum of £100

So you would easily expect to pay well in excess of £300 and that’s not adding in the value of finding the membership plugin!

 But you will not be paying anything like that cost today,

  I have an ethical bribe which is a win win situation for everyone


Here’s the deal…


Assuming you buy this package (and why wouldn’t you at this price) you will be presented with a One Time Offer to take your business to the next level and lock in a deal to get all of the future content you are ever likely to need for your new membership site for a low monthly payment.


This is provided by a platinum membership to my own membership club, IM Tool Kit.



For a limited time you can get access to all of the quality content I provide and get a minimum of 30 BRAND NEW PLR/MRR Products each and every month which can be used to provide content for your new site.


This is a complete business in a box that will cost less than $1 per day and have the potential to make you a full time income in a matter of a few weeks.


This is a limited time offer which I hope you can see the genuine value in.

When I have sold my promotional allocation of discounted memberships the price of this offer will revert to the normal cost of $37


Take advantage of the membership blueprint today and pay only a fraction of what the package will be sold for in just a couple of days time


If you do nothing else and don’t take the One Time Offer, you have a great membership foundation that will enhance your brand and build your authority and trust for less than the cost of just one of the PLR/MRR Products you get included.


Take advantage of the OTO and secure a complete business in a box that is ready to go in less than 24 hours with all of your future membership content taken care of which can be uploaded to your new site in just a couple of hours per week!


Simply log in, download the products you wish to feature on your own site and upload.


 To get started please click the buy now button below,


I hope you decide to invest into your business today and I look forward to welcoming you to the members area


Limited Time Offer Just…

Membership Intro Pro

The risk is all on me and you have to admit there is a lot of genuine real world value on offer for a fraction of what the cost should be.


Remember I reserve the right to increase this offer to the normal price of $37 when the promotional allocation has been used.


Now is the time to finally secure your future.


To Your Success


David Henry

david henry marketing blog








Now is the time to act, this offer will not be around for long and it provides a real opportunity to finally put some direction into your marketing plans and add an additional long term profit center to your online business
