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Highly Recommended  Software

Before you leave check out this section below which is to showcase any products or services I feel everyone should at least consider because in my opinion they are must have additions to your marketing toolbox

Authority Blog Commentingcommnet commander pro

To build your brand and authority you need to engage with the major influencers in your niche.  My new software provides a complete solution to finding authority blogs that allow “do follow” back links in the comment.  This is a very powerful combination and this software can find up to 500 blogs per keyword.

This is essential software for 2013 and provides the perfect platform to grow your social media footprint

Please click here for more details



On Page Expert Analysis



Next generation software that can turn anyone into an SEO Expert.  If you want to rank on page 1 of Google it makes sense that you have to first of all know exactly how the top 10 sites have their pages optimised so you can replicate the set up.

Expert SEO System does all of the hard work for you by analyzing the top 10 results for any keyword and then provides an in-depth report in plain English telling you exactly what you need to do to your own content to outrank the top 10 rankings.

This is the future of competition analysis, why second guess, simply enter a keyword and page URL and let the software do the rest.

The software has only just recently been launched and is on special offer.  Please click here to get the details.