Next generation cloud based app sends up to 8,000 emails per day for FREE harnessing the power of 6 of the worlds specialist email service providers with NO MONTHLY FEES!

Exclusive JV Invite: David Henry

$2000 Affiliate Prizes

Launch date: 18th September 2017 10am EST

Expect crazy EPCs and very happy customers on this 5-day launch with Proven to Convert Funnel

So, what is Inboxing Pro

InboxingPro is a cloud based autoresponder that provides a complete end to end solution for everyone using email marketing

​ It has been developed to help improve deliverability rates for marketers wanting to send emails using their own hosting SMTP.

It does this by automatically passing all of the important protocols required to delivery emails to the inbox.

​It provides a unique feature that taps into the little know "FREE" email credits provided by some of the world’s largest email service providers.

We have created complex algorithms that allow anyone to create an account and send up to 250,000 emails per month for FREE and the app tracks the numbers sent by each provider and automatically pauses any more sends once the free limits has been used

Check Out the Demo Below

This is going to convert like crazy...

With a front-end launch offer of just $27 for the unlimited lifetime license,  why wouldn’t anyone want to tap into this goldmine of free email credits from the world’s leading email service providers

We provide state of the art technology and a simple set up that guarantees success sending from a hosting SMTP 

We provide a member’s area with set up guides, user guides, resource guides so all of our customers are up and running in the fasted possible timescale

We have a dedicated support desk ready to help with any issues so you can rest assured your valuable customers will be looked after

This is one launch not to miss so grab your link and get ready for your PayPal account to ping off the scale!

Here is what makes this app different and totally unique...

InboxingPro is a cloud based autoresponder that provides a complete end to end solution for everyone using email marketing

​You can find other autoresponder products and they always sell exceptionally well because we are all looking to save money on monthly fees and get better delivery rates

The major issue with the vast majority is they are not configured for success

It’s no longer possible to just connect an app with a hosting SMTP and get any real success

To stand any chance of getting your emails delivered sending from your own hosting SMTP you must be set up to send emails that are fully compliant and pass all of the verification processes now required

There are 3 main protocols that require verification and all email sent must pass this process

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
  •  DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail)
  •  DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance)

All of the big autoresponder companies have this process set up but to do it manually connecting a plugin or desktop software is very difficult if not impossible unless you are an advanced tech

Here you can see the exact process every email needs to go through to get verified by the 3 essential protocols

Unless your email system is set up to automate this process and get your messages approved you are wasting your time trying to deliver emails using your own hosting and an SMTP sever

The good news is inboxing pro has built in authentication processes with all 3 of the protocols required and the app has been designed to make setting this up copy and paste simple.

This includes adding sending servers, bounce servers, sending domains,  tracking domains and a feedback loop and this process can be completed in minutes and ensures more email is delivered to the inbox not the spam box

The app provides a total end to end solution and we have created a very powerful unique feature that taps in to the free email sends from some of the worlds largest service providers and this is where the magic happens

It gets event better...

We have added 12 pre-configured API connections to the world’s leading email service providers and it’s a little-known fact that 6 of these provide a free sending allowance once you create an account

The free allocation ranges from 6k to a massive 150k per month per provider

 The app has been configured with complex algorithms that allow the system to be set up so it only ever sends the maximum number of free emails per provider per hour on complete auto-pilot

Simply add a monthly sending limit to the app so when it reaches the monthly limit the app will stop sending emails ensuring no monthly fees are ever payable.

It is possible to connect just 2 out of the 6 providers and send a massive 250k emails per month for free and remember, these providers are collectively sending over 70% of the non-spam emails in the world so the delivery is exceptional

If you are a volume sender, the app can process 100,000 emails per hour using built in, powerful parallel sending on a pay as you go basis with your chosen provider for as little as 90 cents for 10,000 emails sent which is a massive saving

Check out the demo video below

Sales Funnel and Commissions

(50% Across the entire Funnel)

Front End -  Inboxing Pro ($27 - $37)

Your customers get the unlimited license that includes 12 API pre-configured connections and unlimited SMTP connections

 OTO -  PLR Profits Club Platinum Level Annual Membership ($97)

Launched in 2013 PLR Profits Club provides premium resale products, software, tools and training.

The existing library provides over 1500 quality products to use and resell and we add 40 brand new products each month, currently annual membership costs $197 so a genuine saving

OTO 1 -  PLR Profits Club Platinum Level Lifetime Membership ($67)

Down Sell -  PLR Profits Club Platinum level 90-day membership ($37)

 Down Sell 1 - PLR Profits Club Platinum level 14-day $1trial $19.95 PM

Affiliate Terms & Conditions

Teams of up to 2 allowed for the affiliate contests above.

To qualify, please make sure you have notified me and received a confirmation

Min Sales = Front End Sales

Please review the full terms and conditions below and only apply to promote if you agree to be bound by terms

Check out the comprehensive range of features in this end to end solution

No tech required

Nothing to install, no cron jobs to set up, no annoying plugins to constantly update and all future updates are included

Fully mobile responsive

Set up campaigns, check the stats from anywhere in the world, the app is fully responsive with all functions available

Unlimited Everything

The only limit is your imagination, add unlimited subscribers, lists, campaigns, reports and SMTP servers in a few simple steps

Cloud based app

Instant access from anywhere in the world, log in and create your campaigns, check your stats and export your data to ​

analyse in detail

Drag n drop html editor

Create beautiful email newsletters using the drag n drop html built in editor or choose from the gallery

Smart Import/Export

Import subscribers and templates and export report data, subscribers and templates

Single or Double opt in

You decide, Set your list to single or double and add a redirect to your single optin OTO page

Follow ups/Broadcasts

Set follow up messages for months to come and set the exact time to send a broadcast 

List Automation

Create segments per list, move subscribers based on actions, move to a new list if open/doesnt open 

Set you SMTP quota

Shedule the app to limit emails sent per hour so you never exceed the free monthly allowance of emails

Automatic list cleaning

Clean your list automatically with the built-in bounce removal tool.  This is an essential tool

Full Reporting Suite

Track opens, clicks and unsubscribes, view the details on a world map and see the top performing platforms

Setting up your system is copy and paste simple

Adding your 3rd party server, bounce serversending domain and tracking domain is copy and paste simple

It takes just minutes to create everything required using our pre-configured templates

Create great looking newsletters with our drag and drop editor

Full Reporting Suite for every campaign

Swipes Coming Soon...

  • pre launch
  • launch
  • Day 1
  • day 2
  • day 3
  • closing 6 hours

Full Affiliate Terms & Conditions

Teams of up to 2 allowed for the affiliate contests above.

To qualify, please make sure you have notified me and received a confirmation

Please review the full terms and conditions below and only apply to promote if you agree to be bound by terms

Under Any Circumstances Affiliates must NOT use the following methods to promote our offers:

Use of any of the following methods to promote is not allowed

Mailing to email lists that do not provide an unsubscribe link

Mailing to email lists that contravene the Can Spam laws.

Mailing to email lists with subject lines like Make Money Now, How I Got Rich, etc.

We request this to minimize bounce rates & complaints and we always suggest that you qualify your subscribers/lists before mailing offers to avoid complaints or low click/conversion rates.

 Sending "Spam" traffic from traffic exchanges and low-quality services negatively impacts conversion rates and rankings and you will be banned from this and future promotions if you use it.

Cash rebates are not allowed

Use of negative words such as scam in any PPC or promotional campaign.

Using cookie stuffing or other methods of link hijacking.

Applying to promote to simply "self-buy" is strictly against our terms.

 FTC Guidelines for affiliate marketing came into effect on May 2015. Please ensure you have reviewed these guidelines and comply where necessary with your marketing practices.

Do not misrepresent our products and make sure you adhere to the rules of the applicable country where you are based and where you are sending traffic

Anyone found to be in breach of these terms and conditions will be removed from this and all future promotions

Review Access

If you think you can sell at least 25 front end sales during the promotion contact us for review access

If we don’t know each other please provide as much background as possible about you, your business, proof of previous affiliate promotion success and we can consider your request

All that is left to do now is book the date in your calendar and get ready for a red-hot launch that will produce outstanding results for you and provide outstanding value for your customers